On the Anglican Covenant

These are some resources to go along with a talk given at Christ Church Cathedral in Cincinnati, OH in May 20, 2012. My hope has been to present the situation without advocating for or against the Covenant. The actual content of the talk was given without notes, so these are simply resources that might be useful for someone learning more.

The Text
The Anglican Covenant

Study Guides, etc.
Study Guide from Executive Council of the Episcopal Church
Study Guide from the Anglican Communion Office
A briefing paper from the Faith and Order Commission of the Church of England

Thinking Anglicans lists a range of commentary on the Covenant, from a wide array of different perspectives
Thorough catalog of resources from the No Anglican Covenant Coalition

Legislative Status and Proposed Legislation
Three proposed resolutions for General Convention 2012 of the Episcopal Church
Current status of the Covenant in various provinces of the Communion, according to the No Anglican Covenant Coalition

Covenant Communion (for the covenant)
No Anglican Covenant Coalition (against the covenant)