Committee 4: World mission

5 Responses

  1. Susan Brown Snook, Bishop of San Diego says:

    Hey, Scott, thanks for your work. Commenting on D026 Enable Episcopal Migration Ministries to More Fully Live Out its Mission – I think it’s helpful to clarify that EMM’s funding comes from the US government and is specifically limited to helping refugees only. These are people who have gone through lots of hoops to be declared part of a specific group and approved by the government to settle in the US with particular kinds of support. We have many refugees here in San Diego, with two wonderful congregations serving significant refugee groups. However, the vast majority of people who come to the US are not refugees. They are migrants – asylum seekers or undocumented workers. Here in San Diego, the numbers and the suffering of such non-refugee migrants is vast (there are many more migrants than refugees), and our diocese, like others, does what we can to alleviate their suffering. EMM would partner with our diocese and others to provide support for these ministries (note that San Diego’s and Rio Grande’s Border Ministries are both listed as supporters), but it needs money to add this work to its portfolio. I don’t think it’s true that EMM can “seek the resources they need” – their budget, like all other DFMS funding, comes directly from General Convention. (US government funding is limited to refugees only.) This is in fact the way for them to seek the resources they need. I agree that the resolution needs more specificity about how the money would be used, and perhaps the legislative committee could question EMM staff and proposers about that and add that detail to the text. Having said all that, I do serve on the TEC budget committee, and it will be a challenge for us to figure out how to balance the many worthy funding requests like this that come to us from Convention. Thanks for your blogging!

    • Scott Gunn says:

      Thank you for this. Writing about so many resolutions, there’s only so much I can say about each one, so I was a bit cryptic with my notes about their mission. Their explanation does make clear the fact that EMM’s current work is limited in scope by the fact that funding comes from the US government. What’s not clear to me from the resolution or the explanation is if this is an expansion that EMM wants, or if this is a helpful deputy trying to expand their work. If EMM supports this, the resolution and the explanation need to state that explicitly. And I’d want to know a lot more about how, precisely, EMM’s work will grow to serve more migrant populations in the US or elsewhere. I’m all for it, if EMM wants this. Or maybe it’s better to set up a separate agency? Or to partner with another group? If the main point of this resolution is to study all that, then this needs to be made clear. I can’t support this in its current form, which expresses (justified) outrage at the horrific state of care for migrant peoples around the world and which vaguely gestures to EMM to perhaps do more with more funding from different sources. But if this can be clarified — here, in the resolution, not at some future point in a budget committee, I’m all for it. EMM is fantastic, and I admire their work. We could do more as a church, and I hope we do.

      • Susan Brown Snook says:

        Agreed about the need for specificity for how the money would be used! I don’t think DFMS staff or departments are allowed to officially endorse or support resolutions, though. I would trust the legislative committee to ferret out whether EMM staff would be glad to carry out this additional mission.

  2. Emily Schnabl says:

    Thanks as always for your thoughts on these resolutions.

    I am in general have the same anti-task-force-proliferation mindset. I have a slightly different opinion about the S. Sudanese Task Force (with an admitted bias because St. Martha’s is the site of a rebuilding Dinka worshiping community here in the Omaha metro) IMHO, this is a task force that is building up planters and missioners that can revitalize congregations in buildings that need to be filled. I will ask our staff member who is the missioner here and has been active since his ordination what he thinks of the current task force and would be happy to forward on, with his permission, what he thinks.

    PS as an example, after 3 months of worship, they had 125 at a Dinka language Christmas Day service.

    • Scott Gunn says:

      Please share what you learn, if you can. I’m totally in favor of good work continuing. My only question is whether we need the red tape of a task force, or if one of the 815 offices could put together (with funding) an informal advisory group. Some other offices have done this would good success, I think. It allows good work to happen without the entanglement of church politics and red tape.

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