Committee 3: Governance & Structure

2 Responses

  1. Jonathan says:

    I confess, I doubt AI has any particular use in the church. We don’t need reams of auto-generated text to resolve any church difficulty I’m aware of, and we mostly don’t seem to need to spend much time categorizing text or images. It might be helpful to have some sort of QA bot driven by AI to answer questions about what we Episcopalians believe, but that’s about the only corner where AI looks to me to be useful for the church.

  2. Liza says:

    Two more task forces proposed today, so I think we’re at at least 21!

    In most cases I would just vote no on new interim bodies, full stop. In other cases, it seems like we could very reasonably expand the mandate of an existing Standing Commission. (For example, expand the mandate of the Standing Commission on World Mission to explicitly include Anglican Communion relations, and then if any resolutions come up relating to the Anglican Communion, they can be referred there…)

    There may be some good exceptions, but in MOST cases I think we should only form a new task force when we already have actual resolutions to send to it, and not when we think something is important and therefore want a group of people to….write resolutions…that General Convention can then send to them….

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