Article XIV: Of works of supererogation

3 Responses

  1. Doug Chaplin says:

    Scott, I wonder if you’re setting up “back in the day” as a straw man – as I suspect the Reformers did. I offered a rather different take – although not such different conclusions – in my series on the articles a year or so back.

  2. Cathy Iacobucci says:

    I was once told that if I was asking the question “Lord, is it enough?”, that it probably was NOT enough.

  3. Bob Chapman says:

    Any attempt to pay the cost of our sins is, pretty much by definition, doomed to failure before we start. We do not appreciate the full and complete cost of any one of our sins, as in the Butterfly Effect.

    That attempt to go above and beyond means we do not understand the full cost of our sins, nor do we understand the one solution for our sins. To know Christ means to get up from our knees because we know Jesus has made us worthy to stand before God (lex orandi, lex credendi).