Article VIII: Of the Three Creeds

5 Responses

  1. Bob Chapman says:

    “Folks can argue over how to read some bits of the creeds.”

    The first time I read that statement my eyes saw, “Fools can argue over how to read some bits of the creeds.” If we were truly able to define the totality of God with a written statement, we would be in the place of being to create and control God.

    Some ambiguity and mystery reminds us that we are people of His pasture and sheep of His hand.

  2. Bob Chapman says:

    By the way, to show I can repeat themes over and over:

  3. Tim Schenck says:

    The late Jim Griffiths, canon theologian to the presiding bishop and a man I was privileged to have as a seminary professor, used to say that after some of the sermons he’d endured the Creed was the only thing he had to hold onto!

  4. Bob Chapman says:

    Is this why the 1979 BCP switched the order (Gospel-sermon-Creed) from the 1928 BCP (Gospel-Creed-[Bidding Prayer]-Sermon)?

    In other words, with this order, you always have something to take away.

  5. This post on my blog, Laughing Water, contains a link to a podcast of an interesting conversation about the role of creeds in the Christian life that recently took place at the University of St. Thomas Law School in Minneapolis between two faculty members there:

    One’s fer ’em and one’s agin ’em.

    It’s really worth listening to.